Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Alternatives to birth control pills for acne

« ...Cool the mixture and use it on acne-affected area. You can also buy basil oil, which is also available in beauty care product stores. There is another herb called burdock, scientifically known as Arctium Iappa, which is the most useful herb used to prevent acne problem. It treats the skin problems quickly....
...Generally acne will start around the time of puberty, and for most sufferers, it has disappeared by the time they reach their late teenage years or early twenties - some sufferers will find that their acne will remain well beyond their early twenties as mentioned above, and it's these patients that are most at risk from permanent acne scarring....»
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«...20 patients suffering from mild to moderated acne were studied in that research. There are 17 males and 13 female in the studied group. Alpha-hydroxy acid peel (30% concentration of glycolic acid) was applied on one half of the face, while Beta-hydroxy acid peel (30% concentration of salicylic acid) was applied on the other half of the face of each patient. The treatments are done every two weeks for duration of three months. A non-bias evaluator was used to examine the effectiveness of each acid peels on the reduction of acne. Both the evaluator and the patients did not know which sides of the faces were applied with Alpha-hydroxy acid or Beta-hydroxy acid....»
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tags: lazer treatment for adult acne, cream of tartar acne, best treatments for cystic acne

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